Beacon 23 Season 2 review
So the show in my head I was calling “Lena Heady in space”… they killed Lena Heady’s character Aster technically in the finale of s1. they just instantly confirmed it in the opening of s2. So that was a gut punch. Get rid of the high profile main character I was here for. Her performance of the character (less the character and writing) was what drew me in in season 1. It was just really fun to watch her lope through the sets and interact with the characters in a way I hadn’t seen her before even between Cersei and Sarah Connor and with a wonderful physicallity and relaxed confidence you rarely see women in their 50s get to have on screen. But I gave it a bit of a go. Just to see what was happening. ep 2 was semi filler, just AI character Harm in AI office. Then she escapes so finally we start? remember its 8 episode seasons so with 2 down we’re 25% done. nope full ep and then some to introduce the new main character who can now only be here fore 75% of the season, gonna be hard to get me too attached, I’m barely here for the other human main character (Halan) and I guess the AI is a main character?
Then the standard invaders of the Beacon, we’re captured, cliff hanger, but then to kill pacing (I mean keep us on the edge of our seats?) the whole of ep 6 is a slow flash back for Aster (Lena Heady’s character, who, do I need to remind, is dead?). So it’s played by a younger actress so it’s blah. And then that ep too somehow ends on a cliffhanger unresolved? but we never get back to that. Wild
The main plot, such as it is resumes in ep 7, the final quarter of this season lol. And then Halan is throw that maybe his main memories and trauma that have been driving him are fake implanted memories? which would be a ridiculous rug pull, and boy howdy is he ready to rejoin the just terrible military when he hears this. But then they just drill holes in his head, and we think he’s maybe in heaven? or the artifact for most half of ep 7 and all of ep 8? but no rug pull, it was a hallucinated space made by Harm the AI, and actually Halan also died a while ago, didn’t you notice?
So that’s s2 and it’s finale. Kills it’s other main character, and I guess the AI Harmony is our new main character going into s3, along with the new girl Iris and then someone else she collected in the latter half of the season.
This is sadly another case of a show that thinks it’s wildly smarter than it is. There’s a million tiny examples of the writers demonstrating they heard about some scifi concept but didn’t even read the wikipedia page on it, like the “solar sail boat” that some folks come in on? That someone “fell off clinging to a rope as the ship was being rocked about” ??? And then when we see it, the sail to ship ratio is like less than traditional sail boats on earth, lol. And it takes this same lack of care, research or any depth to it’s handling of AI which is becoming the central focus of the show. It talks a lot about “imprints” and having none, one, or a few, that some were installed? or created in Harmony, and by the end of the season she’s some how got like 4? That she made some herself? It was never clear to me if the Halan one was added to her or she made even. I’m not sure all the writers could agree and tell me. So with handling of supposed core material this sloppily, we don’t find much worth latching on to here, even in the burgeoning main focus of the show.
Which is all to say this is a show that has trapping of wanting to say things about things and use scifi concepts but no one seems to actually know what they are doing so it’s not going terribly well and they seem to be inexplicably addicted to killing off their cast that you might possibly get attached to. They really seem to want you not attached to anyone on screen ever so that’s a choice. I can’t believe I watched season 2 actually after Lena Heady’s character’s death instead of just reading the wikipedia summaries but I was 2 eps in and already 25% done so it seemed easy enough to just finish the other 6 episodes. I think in hindsight that was a mistake, and if this show ever does get another season I’ll just read synopsis. Cus if they don’t want me attached to the show or caring about the characters or experiencing it, then, ok, I won’t.
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