Git https://git.danballard.com/dan/Go-Server
The newest version is 0.3
Get the latest development code from our git repository:
git clone https://git.danballard.com/dan/Go-Server.git
goserver.tar.gz is the Server package and goclient.tar.gz is the client package. The most current version is 0.3. The code isn’t pretty but it gets the job done.
- Go server allows many concurrent games and static house bots
- Full GTP server that supports saving of games to SGF files
- Website for serving game stats, SGF files, and thumbnails of matches.
- Wrapper for console GTP apps to connect to online games.
Contents and How to Use
Testing your bot on a server
First you need to set up a .bot file as described by the [demo.bot] file. Once that’s done, you can query the server for bots to play against with
./goclient --server ai.mindstab.net --list
Which will list the bots and their IDs. Pick on and play against it with your bot as follows
./goclient --server ai.mindstab.net --guest your_bot.bot --vs house_bot_id
Finally, to set up your bot as a house bot for others to play against
./goclient --server ai.mindstab.net --house your_bot.bot
Setting Up a Server
Start a new screen session. In the first window, start the server with
Than for each house bot you have configured, in an aditional window start it with
./goclient --server ai.mindstab.net --house your_bot.bot
You can properly quit a house bot as from a new command line as follows
./goclient --server ai.mindstab.net --quit id_of_bot --pass password_from_.bot_file
Finally, you can set up matches between house bots as follows
./goclient --server ai.mindstab.net --match id_of_bot --vs id_of_another_bot
If you want to setup the Go stats website, then import the two SQL tables in ai_go.sql into a database in MySQL and configure gtpserver.py and website/index.php to connect to the DB properly and configure paths to each other accordingly as well. Place website/index.html some where web accessible. Finally, if you want thumbnails of games, install GoGui and configure the path to that as well in gtpserver.py, otherwise comment that line generating thumbnails out.