Shaun basicBoard
This is the fundamental tidbit of my go AI’s - the board.
Class Summary
- Keeps track of the board state
- Allows moves to be made on the board
- Checks to see if said moves are valid (Doesn’t check Ko - yet)
- Removes dead stones and keeps track of prisoners for both sides
Brief Method Summary
//Make a move on the board with a basicMove
public boolean move(basicMove thisMove)
//Copy an existing board into this board
public void copy(basicBoard thisBoard)
//See if a board is equal to another board
public boolean equal(basicBoard thisBoard)
//Check the legality of a move
public boolean isLegal(char colour, int x, int y)
//Check to see if a particular stone or group is dead
public boolean isDead(char colour, int x, int y)
//Check for dead stones around x and y and remove them
public void deadCleanup(int x, int y)
//Remove a Group
public void removeStones(char colour, int x, int y)
//Get a specific point on the board
public char getPoint(int x, int y)
//Get the size of the board
public int getSize()
//To String - output the board to show it
public void outputBoard()
//Input a current board from a file
public void inputBoardFromFile(String fileName)