Go GTP server
Server for hosting Go matches between bots and generating web results
Mindstab Go server package created to host Go AI contest. Listens for clienat (go bots) connections and spwans a net socket aware GTP server for each 2.
Additionally, after matches, a stats site is created and updated: example [mirror]
See the AI contest wiki archive for more information.
Starting with the GTP_connection class from GnuGo and extending it to use net sockets. Then creating a new game server that spawns off instances of the GTP server for matches when two clients connect.
Most usage instructions at: /ai-contest/wiki/Goserver
If setting up a stats website, place the website directory somewhere web visible, create an ‘sgf’ subdirectory, set up a MySQL database as outlined in ai_go.sql, and configure the DB options in website/index.php and gtpserver.py accordingly.
licenced under GPL3, orgional licence included
Copyright 2007 by Dan Ballard, Robert Hausch, and ai.mindstab.net